Imaginary Friend By Stephen Chbosky


Imagine… Leaving your house in the middle of the night. Knowing your mother is doing her best, but she’s just as scared as you. Imagine… Starting a new school, making friends. Seeing how happy it makes your mother. Hearing a voice, calling out to you. Imagine… Following the signs, into the woods. Going missing for six days. Remembering nothing about what happened. Imagine… Something that will change everything… And having to save everyone you love.


Hello book friends!

So this book has a lot to tell just judging the cover alone. I instantly gravitated towards this book when I found out about it and immediately put it in my wish list and BAM! My boyfriend bought it for my birthday. Maybe a month ago, a book friend on Instagram had asked if I’d like to do a buddy read and I accepted, read it and here we are. Imaginary Friend is a 700 page long big boy full of great writing, interesting characters and a very cool but disturbing plot. I can definitely say I was sucked into the story and with every chapter being turned, I wanted more. Although I was sucked into the story I started to feel like it dragged a little towards the end. It wasn’t too bad but I felt that the story could have ended a little sooner than it did. I didn’t find myself too fond with how it ended either but it didn’t affect my feelings towards it and I still enjoyed my time reading.

Imaginary Friend had a lot of great characters all intertwining with each other as the plot evolved. The author made these characters very REAL in the sense that they all seem to have gone through some type of trauma or typical every day life problems. The darkness that these characters carried with them or hid from the world had a cinematic approach which I found most interesting. The writing went through multiple point of views starting with our MC Christopher who is moving with his mother to a different state in means of escape and starting fresh. Kate is Christopher’s mother. She’s a strong woman who would do anything for her child. As a mother myself, I found that I admired her the most over all the other characters. The last MC following Kate and Christopher is Mary Katherine who I found to be most annoying but she’s semi important. Either way, I did not like her very much. I wouldn’t say that the story is character driven but the characters do have a lot of importance and are what make the story such a great page turner.

The world is very normal. Nothing crazy about it as it takes place in our real world. There is the fantastical element of the story that takes the reader into the “imaginary world” as they call it in the book. With out spoiling the story, I’ll say that it was pretty cool and extremely creepy. The book is Dark guys! A lot of dark and creepy things happen and by no means did I not enjoy this because I love to feel scared. Everything is very easy to picture in your mind and I think that a lot of people will enjoy that part of the writing.

Overall, I enjoyed the book. It did take me a while to process everything and finally put my feelings and thoughts together. If you end up reading it, I think you will probably feel the same way. If you are a fan of King or the horror genre in general you will definitely like this one. It is dark, sick and demented in some ways which I quite enjoyed. If you end up picking this one up, please feel free to let me know what you think about it. I rated this 4 Nat stars ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️

Happy reading!

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